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Manisha Lath Gupta

Water Management in Permaculture: The Working Pond

Updated: Apr 12, 2021

The water management systems of channels, swales, pools and ponds were created over 2011-2012 at our permaculture farm. But it was only in the monsoon of 2012 that we were able to see them all in action. It was a great monsoon, and all our ponds filled up several times before draining out or evaporating. Let us look at the flow of water through the farm! And compare it to how water was flowing through the farm in the monsoon of 2011.

The photo below shows the big concrete pipe on the north side of the farm, from where the storm water run off enters our property. This water comes from the Morni hills on the Northern side - a glimpse of which you can see in this photo. We casually refer to this point as Gangotri :-)

storm water drain

From Gangotri onwards we have built channels to ensure the water stays to a defined path. The water slows down considerably in this path, deposits it sediment and builds groundwater along the way.

water channel

The channel meanders through the property and finally enters this big pond, which we dug in May 2012. (see another blog on that). This pond, which we call Frangipani can hold almost 1000,000 litres of water. All this water would have otherwise run off the property!

water storage ponds

Frangipani fills up,(our estimate of the level of the overflow pipe was very good) and overflows through the overflow pipes we put into place.

manmade pond

Out flows the water on the other side, finding its way to the village pond.

pond overflow

pond overflow

village pond

The village pond then overflows over our stone cage weir (which we built in 2011) and gently find it way down the path into the retention pond, also called Frond.

stone cage weir

stone cage dam

rentention pond

Such a beautiful site, isn't it? Of the many beautiful events we get to witness at the farm, the one of water flowing through the farm and filling up all these ponds remains our most favourite!

Here are some more photos of the beauty of the ponds!

For more information on water management, you can watch the following videos:

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