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Get Started with Permaculture: Build a Shelter

Manisha Lath Gupta

Updated: Apr 12, 2021

As we got our act together on the farm, we realised we need a small structure for the guard, and also to park ourselves through the day when we visit, and supervise work on the farm. A toilet was also required, given that the farm was quite barren with no bushes to hide behind, the last time I trekked up into the foothills to take a leak, I was scared by a hare that jumped out of the bushes!

Also the tubewell was now ready, and had some heavy duty electrical units accompanying it, which we felt, deserved a permanent structure over its head in the interest of safety and protection from rain.

Our ask for the outhouse was that it should have a room for a guard and his family, a pantry & washroom for us, and an electrical room for the tubewell. A verandah to sit in and look over the farm and a red tiled roof was the only thing we really fancied!

We reached out to an architect friend in Chandigarh, and got a neat little layout for the structure. We oriented it appropriately for it to be solar panelled. Situated at the highest point of the farm, it gave a good view of the entire property, and being near the gate, allowed the guard to see any visitors at the gate.

Outhouse Design

A local contractor undertook the contract to build the structure. It took almost three months for it to get ready, but we were pleased with the end result. We used white chuna (lime) to paint the walls. Red tiled sloping roof. A long 8 foot verandah. A little pantry and washroom for us. It has a nice farmhouse-ish look. :-)

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